Sunday 12 January 2014

A Bush Walk, Nut & Seed Butters and Coconut Ice Cream

Wenderholm Regional Park 

It is an easy 1.5hour loop walk with stunning NZ bush and great views of the sea or a great quick trail run where you can swim afterwards.  Just over the hill from Orewa at Wenderholm Regional Park.  I'd recommend going on a calm day and taking some kayaks or even your snorkel since there are great reefs and bays to explore.  

Chocolate, Almond Butter, Coconut Ice Cream 

  • 1 can full-fat Coconut Milk
  • 1/4 cup Manuka Honey
  • 1/4 cup Almond Butter
  • 2 Tbs Cocoa Powder
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon

Put a sturdy bowl in your freezer to chill
Blend all ingredients in your food processor for about 1 minute
Transfer ingredients to chilled bowl and place in an ice bath till mixture is cold. 

- put all ingredients in your ice cream maker 

or if you don't have one

- put the bowl in the freezer for about 45 minutes
then take to it with an electric mixer or hand whisk until all ice crystals are broken up, after 30 minutes back in the freezer repeat this step, vigorously beating the ice cream, repeat every 30 minutes until it is frozen about 2-3 hours
(or go buy a cheap ice cream maker for about $30)
Transfer it to a container with a lid until you want to eat it. 

*Coconut ice cream freezes hard so you'll have to zap it in the microwave when you want to eat it or let it sit out for a bit to soften

Almond Butter 

1 Cup of raw almonds makes about 3/4 Cup Almond Butter

Put 1 Cup of almonds on a baking tray in the oven at 180 degrees C for about 10 minutes or until toasted brown. - you can make raw almond butter without roasting

Put them in a food processor with an S blade and blend until you reach your desired butter texture (I like mine slightly crunchy) 
This takes between 5-15 minutes depending on your food processor.
you may need to scrape the sides down with a spatula a few times during this process. 

Store in a recycled jar and keep in the fridge to stop it from going rancid.

Sunflower, Maple Butter

2 Cups of raw sunflower seeds makes about 1 1/2 C sun butter
Toast in the oven at 180 degrees C for about 10 minutes or until light brown - you can make raw sun butter without roasting

Put them in a food processor with an S blade and blend until you reach your desired butter texture (I like mine slightly crunchy) 
This takes between 5-15 minutes depending on your food processor.
you may need to scrape the sides down with a spatula a few times during this process. 
Add 1-2 teaspoons of 100% maple syrup and continue to blend.  

Store in a recycled jar and keep in the fridge to stop it from going rancid.

-Add salt, coconut oil or cinnamon for different flavours

Walnut Butter - my favourite 

Soak 2 Cups of Walnuts in a bowl of water over night
Drain the water from the nuts 
place nuts on a baking tray and toast at 180 degrees C for about 10 minutes or until toasted brown - you can make raw walnut butter without toasting.

Put them in a food processor with an S blade and blend until you reach your desired butter texture (I like mine slightly crunchy) This takes between 5-15 minutes depending on your food may need to scrape the sides down with a spatula a few times during this process. 

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