Wednesday 8 January 2014

Recovery in Raglan, Juice and a Kumara Snack

I'm having an NZ summer which means I have discovered a new favourite beach and fallen in love with some old kiwi classic flavours.  

Meet Raglan! 

This elusive beauty surprised me at every corner of the dusty summer soaked road.  
A 24hr spontaneous adventure here thanks to my friend with the best ideas ever! was enough to place this North Island gem at the top of my beach/beach town list.

Raglan is a ridiculously friendly and entertaining community of soul wanderers and generational locals who serve up talent in the form of locally roasted coffee beans brewed to perfection by Raglan Roast, the best taco stand I've ever eaten at West Coast Tacos run by the friendliest South Americans, the coolest foreign travellers (probably because they're all surfers) and fascinating local artists in the form of green stone carvers, shoe makers and runaways.  

I saw pictures of this place in surfing magazines growing up 
but nothing really prepares you for Raglan on a summers day

A whole coastal section is untouched by people and their dwellings 
which leaves it free to dream of a time been 
or an apocalyptic future escape.

Raglan is on the west coast, 
the sun sets on the west coast, 
there are no humans visible for miles 
Full stop. 

Here I recovered. 
From what I don't know, 
but I do know that I felt better and ready for a new year 

After spending a night camping on a cliff over the ocean, waking up to fresh roast coffee and a couple of games of backgammon in the sun I came home reluctantly and still on my gluten free, dairy free, paleo adventure I juiced things in my fridge that needed to be used up and enjoyed the use of my oven after almost 2 weeks without one.  


fresh ginger
mint leaves


Bake A whole kumara (NZ Sweet potato) in the oven (or in the microwave if you are in a hurry) Spread your gluten free toast with Manuka honey then mash your baked kumara on top!  
Or for your Paleo option just slice the kumara down the middle and butter it with Manuka honey.  

- dry toast a handful of long grain coconut in a pan and sprinkle it on top!

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